Giving Options
Giving to CKCA s a wonderful way to make an impact on the lives of children and our community. All financial gifts are tax-deductible, and there are several ways you can support the school. We also appreciate your time and talents as well, so prayers for our school and volunteer service is also needed and important.
CKCA Scholarships​
If you would like to help a child receive a Christian Education that might not otherwise be able to afford private school tuition, please contact our office. All donations are tax deductible.
Prayer Support
We believe in the power of prayer, and invite you to join us in covering the students, the faculty, and our facility in prayer throughout the year.

Planned Giving​
If you would like to help contribute to the ministry of CKCA, please contact our office by calling 620-792-3477 or email office@ckcacademy.com. Several generous businesses and a handful of churches help underwrite the expenses of our school. Convenient giving through online bill pay makes it easier than ever to send your support.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers play a vital role in helping CKCA operate day-to-day. Some forms of volunteering include transportation, lunchroom, library, groundskeeping, PTF, Booster Club, public relations, and more! Any person interested in volunteering must complete and pass a background check and MVR check. If you are interested in our volunteering opportunities, please contact our office by emailing office@ckcacademy.com or calling 620-792-3477.
Other Ways to Give
As with any living, breathing organization, needs for specific items come up periodically to maintain our facility, provide special programming for the students, or improve our amenities. The PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) raises funds for new playground equipment, teacher mini-grants, and school events. Or, your business might be able to provide a discounted or free service that would save the school's resources, such as with contractors. Please reach out to us if you or your business would be interested in being contacted when these special needs arise!